Sound articulation

For those of you that missed the Phonics workshop here is the lovely Mr Herlihy saying the sounds and the rhymes that go with them. If we can help in any other way then please let us know.

Today we have sent home books for you to enjoy at home. We will change these once a week on a specified day but you are free to change them more frequently. For the moment you might just enjoy talking about the book with your child, looking at the pictures, discussing what might happen next, looking for sounds we have learned already or any tricky words.

See you all tomorrow!!

Miss Hassett

A good start is half the work!

So our first few days at school are over and we’ve had a lot of fun getting to know each other and the new school. We’ve done painting and bubble blowing outside, we’ve chased sea monsters away from the pirate ship and we’ve explored the playground and the lunch hall.
We’ve also talked about making green choices, we’ve especially been practising stopping, looking and listening when the adults call high five.
Here’s a little task for the weekend. Do you have a nice photo of you with your mummy that you could send us? Next week we’re going to be reading a book all about Mums.
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Have a fantastic weekend superstars!!
Miss Hassett